Islamic Finance — How Does It Work, Why Is It Protected?
As the launch of FINTERRA’s WAQF Chain grows nearer, I am constantly reminded about the origins of Islamic Finance and how it positions itself as a contributor to society through its charitable activities. An article from the Global Finance magazine maps out key attributes of Islamic Finance and why it is gaining traction the world over. Most people know that Islamic finance is a way of performing financial transactions and banking while respecting Islamic law or sharia . The same people would be surprised to know that Islamic finance hardly existed 30 years ago. Yet today it is a $2.2 trillion industry with hundreds of specialised institutions located in more than 60 countries. Islamic banks are by far the biggest players in the Islamic finance industry and account for $1.5 trillion in assets. According to a 2017 Reuters report, Islamic bank assets should reach $2.7 trillion while total sharia-compliant assets are expected to grow to $3.5 trillion by 2021....